速報APP / 教育 / West LA College

West LA College



檔案大小:53.8 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:德語, 法文, 義大利文, 英語, 荷蘭文

West LA College(圖1)-速報App

West LA College: Empower students with relevant information and resources delivered to them directly on their smart phones and tablets.

Features include:


- Personalize your profile information.

- Get access to academic related information.


- Access to content that can include information such as student codes of conduct and policy statements, on-campus transportation schedules, and any number of additional content pieces.

- Get access to RSS feeds from your university.


- Ask questions and report issues directly from the app.

- Track ticket status and add notes.

- View responses from staff and the resolution to any past issues.

West LA College(圖2)-速報App

- Attend brief survey on the closed ticket.


- Access your university knowledge base containing responses to questions commonly posed by students.

- View most common questions and responses, or enter own search terms to find responses that specifically address your concerns.


- Learn about events on campus that are relevant and of interest to you.

- RSVP to the event that you are invited directly from the app.

- Provide feedback and rating for the events that you attended


- Request appointment with staff.

- Confirm and reschedule appointments any time

- View all appointments in calendar within the application.

West LA College(圖3)-速報App


- Create learning and special interest communities that are either public or available only by invitation.

- Get peer feedback, share learning insights, or identify relevant online resources.

- Special interest communities can be formed around any activity or interest.

- Marketplace communities can be created to sell, buy or trade items among students.

- Staff members or group administrators have the ability to moderate communities, all posts can be subject to a profanity check, and any member can report inappropriate content.


- Interactive campus maps will help you to get oriented to the campus and find classroom buildings, dining halls, library, parking and other campus resources.

- Maps will also provide walking directions from their current location to a specific destination on campus.


- Search for staff by department and name

- View staff details and contact staff via email or phone.

West LA College(圖4)-速報App

- Initiate one on one chat with staff.

West LA College(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad